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Geophysica Norvegica

Geophysica Norvegica

I august 1917, på samme møte som V. Bjerknes, O. Devik, B. Helland-Hansen, Th. Hesselberg, O.A. Krogness, H.U. Sverdrup og S. Sæland opprettet Norsk Geofysisk Forening, ble det også søkt om å få opprettet en tidsskriftserie, "Geofysiske publikasjoner". Les mer under etableringen av NGF.
Geofysiske Publikasjoner (Geophysica Norvegica) kom for første gang ut i 1921. Helt frem til 1985 ble det trykket opp 299 artikler fordelt på 33 volumer. Her følger en oversikt over alle publikasjonene som finnes i hvert volum. De fleste titlene er angitt med aktive lenker og er derfor tilgjengelige som pdf-dokumenter.

Scanningen og tilretteleggingen av nedlastbare dokumenter er administrert av NGF sitt styre i 2007-2009. Geofysisk institutt i Bergen har finansiert scanning av volum 1 til 22, mens Meteorologisk institutt har finansiert digitalisering av volum 23 til 33.

Hele oversikten er også tilgjengelig i MS Word-format og inkluderer register over alle forfatterne.

Velg volum nr. og gå til gjeldende innholdsfortegnelse:

Desember 2020: Tor Bergeron sin artikkel Über die dreidimensional verknüpfende Wetteranalyse. Erster Teil: Prinzippielle Einführung in das Problem der Luftmassen- und Frontenbildung. er oversatt til engelsk og utgitt i Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society med referanse:
Schultz DM, Volkert H, Antonescu B & Davies HC (2020) Defender and Expositor of the Bergen Methods of Synoptic Analysis: Significance, History, and Translation of Bergeron's (1928) "Three-Dimensionally Combining Synoptic Analysis", 101 (12), pp. E2078-E2094, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0021.1
En kopi er lagret lokalt her.

Volum I (1921)

  • No. 1. L. Vegard and O. Krogness: The position in space of the aurora borealis - From observations made at the Haldde-Observatory 1913-14.
  • No. 2. J. Bjerknes: On the structure of moving cyclones.
  • No. 3. B. J. Birkeland: Niederschlagsschwankungen in Norwegen.
  • No. 4. Th. Hesselberg: On the projected co-operation with Roald Amundsen's North Polar expedition.
  • No. 5. The Norwegian Geophysical Commission: Geophysical investigations in the Arctic regions in co-operation with Roald Amundsen's expedition.
  • No. 6. O. Krogness: The importance of obtaining magnetic registrations from a comparatively close net of stations in the polar regions.
  • No. 7. Carl Störmer: Extract from a report on the northern lights expedition to Bossekop - Store Korsnes in the spring of 1913.
  • No. 8. Carl Störmer: The importance of taking aurora photographs from a network of stations around the polar basin in collaboration with Roald Amundsen's expedition.
  • No. 9. Carl Störmer: Rapport sur une expédition d'aurores boréales à Bossekop et Store Korsnes pendant le printemps de l'année 1913.

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Volum II (1923)

  • No. 1. Hilding Köhler: Zur Kondensation des Wasserdampfes in der Atmosphäre. I.
  • No. 2. Carl Störmer: Exemples de rayons auroraux dépassant des altitudes de 500 kilomètres au-dessus de la terre.
  • No. 3. J. Bjerknes and H. Solberg: Meteorological Conditions for the formation of Rain.
  • No. 4. V. Bjerknes: On the Dynamics of the Circular Vortex with Applications to the Atmospheric Vortex and Wave Motions.
  • No. 5. L. Vegard: The Determination of the Wave Length of the Green Line of the Spectrum of the Aurora Borealis.
  • No. 6. Hilding Köhler: Zur Kondensation des Wasserdampfes in der Atmosphäre. II.
  • No. 7. H. Mohn: Atlas de Climat de Norvège. Nouvelle édition par Aage Graarud et Kristen Irgens.
  • No. 8. Carl Störmer: Notes relatives aux aurores boréales.
  • No. 9. W. Werenskiold: Mean Monthly Air Transport over the North Pacific Ocean.
  • No. 10. W. Werenskiold: Frozen Earth in Spitsbergen.
  • Errata

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Volum III (1926)

  • No. 1. J. Bjerknes and H. Solberg: Life Cycle of Cyclones and the Polar Front Theory of Atmospheric Cirkulation.
  • No. 2. A. Röstad: Verwendung von Nebelfrostablagerungen um Strömungslinien zu bestimmen.
  • No. 3. V. Bjerknes: On Quasi Static Wavemotion in Barotropic Fluid Strata.
  • No. 4. L. Högberg: An Explicit Solution of the Problem of Wave Motion in Three Barotropic Fluid Strata.
  • No. 5. Th. Hesselberg: Über Reibung und Dissipation in der Atmosphäre.
  • No. 6. J. Bjerknes: Diagnostic and Prognostic Application of Mountain Observations.
  • No. 7. Th. Hesselberg: Mögliche Luftbewegungen an der Erdoberfläche.
  • No. 8. Aage Graarud und Nils Russeltvedt: Die erdmagnetischen Beobachtungen der Gjöa-Expedition 1903-1906.
  • No. 9. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Oslo (Kristiania). Luftdruck und Temperatur in 100 Jahren.
  • No. 10. Ernst G. Calwagen: Zur Diagnose und Prognose lokaler Sommerschauer. Aerologische Flugzeugaufstiege in Ostnorwegen.
  • No. 11. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Einige thermische Eigenschaften von Eis und Wasserdampf.
  • No. 12. H. Solberg et Carl Störmer: Méthode pour la mesure photogrammétrique des nuages pendant la nuit, quand ces nuages sont éclairés par la lune ou par la lumière crépusculaire.
  • No. 13. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Graphische Methoden zur Ermittelung adiabatischer Zustandsänderungen feuchter Luft.
  • Errata

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Volum IV (1927)

  • No. 1. Sigurd Evjen: Barometerschwingungen und langsichtige Prognosen.
  • No. 2. Bjørn Helland-Hansen and Fridtjof Nansen: The Eastern North Atlantic. The Cruises of the "Armauer Hansen". No. 1.
  • No. 3. Torbjørn Gaarder: Die Sauerstoffwerhältnisse im östlichen Teil des Nord-Atlantischen Ozeans. The Cruises of the "Armauer Hansen". No. 2.
  • No. 4. Torbjørn Gaarder: Die Wasserstoffionen-Konzentration des Meer-Wassers im östlichen Teil des Nord-Atlantischen Ozean. The Cruises of the "Armauer Hansen". No. 3.
  • No. 5. H. U. Sverdrup: Dynamic of Tides on the North Siberian Shelf. Results from the Maud Expedition.
  • No. 6. Finn Malmgren: Studies of Humidity and Hoar-Frost over the Arctic Ocean.
  • No. 7. Carl Störmer: Résultats des mesures photogrammétriques des aurores boreales observées dans la Norvège méridionale de 1911 à 1922.

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Volum V (1930)

  • No. 1. Hilding Köhler: On water in the Clouds.
  • No. 2. Carl Störmer: Photogrammetrische Bestimmung der Høhe von irisierenden Wolken (Perlmutterwolken) am 30. Dezember 1926.
  • No. 3. K. F. Wasserfall: On Periodic Variations in Terrestrial Magnetism.
  • No. 4. Th. Hesselberg: Untersuchunen über die Gesetze des ausgeglichenen Bewegungen in der Atmosphäre.
  • No. 5. A. Röstad: Über die Einwirkung der magnetischen Perturbationen auf die geographische Verbreitung des Nordlichts.
  • No. 6. Tor Bergeron: Über die dreidimensional verknüpfende Wetteranalyse. Erster Teil: Prinzippielle Einführung in das Problem der Luftmassen- und Frontenbildung. (English translation)
  • No. 7. W. Werenskiold: The figure of the Earth.
  • No. 8. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Bergen. Luftdruck und Temperatur seit 100 Jahren.
  • No. 9. H. Solberg: Integrationen der atmosphärischen Störungsgleichungen. Erster Teil: Wellenbewegungen in rotierenden, inkompressiblen Flüssigkeitsschichten.
  • No. 10. K. F. Wasserfall: On the Relation between the Rotation of the Sun and the Variations in Atmospheric Temperature.
  • No. 11. V. Bjerknes: Über die hydrodynamischen Gleichungen in Lagrangescher und Eulerscher Form und ihre Linearisierung für das Studium kleiner Störungen.
  • No. 12. Anfinn Refsdal: Der feuchtlabile Niederschlag.

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Volum VI (1932)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part I.

Published by The Roald Amundsen's Memorial Fund.

  • No. 1. The Editorial Committee: Scientific Work of the Expedition.
  • No. 2. H. Geelmuyden: Astronomy.
  • No. 3. Aage Graarud: Meteorology.

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Volum VII (1933)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part II.

Published by The Roald Amundsen's Memorial Fund.

  • No. 1. Aksel S. Steen, Nils Russeltvedt and K.F. Wasserfall: Terrestrial Magnetism.

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Volum VIII (1930)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part III.

Published by The Roald Amundsen's Memorial Fund.

  • No. 1. Aksel S. Steen, Nils Russeltvedt and K.F. Wasserfall: Terrestrial Magnetism Photograms.

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Volum IX (1931-32)

  • No. 1. Olaf Devik: Thermische und dynamische Bedingungen der Eisbildung in Wasserläufen, auf norwegische Verhältnisse angewandt.
  • No. 2. K. F. Wasserfall: On the Year to Year Variation of the Temperature.
  • No. 3. A. Röstad: Über magnetische Störungen, die an südnorwegischen Nordlichttagen in Potsdam beobachtet wurden.
  • No. 4. Carl Störmer: Höhe der Farbenverteilung der Perlmutterwolken.
  • No. 5. Leiv Harang and Einar Tønsberg: Investigations of the Aurora Borealis at Nordlys Observatoriet, Tromsø 1929-1930. Communications from the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø.
  • No. 6. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Ullensvang. Luftdruck und Temperatur seit 100 Jahren.
  • No. 7. Georg Schou: Gewitter in Norwegen.
  • No. 8. Th. Hesselberg: Über das Verhältnis zwischen Druckkraft und Wind.
  • No. 9. J. Bjerknes: Exploration de quelques perturbations atmosphériques à l'aide de sondages rapprochés dans le temps.
  • No. 10. Alf Maurstad: Die meteorologischen Beobachtungen während Arne Høygaard und Martin Mehrens Duchquerung von Grønland 1931.
  • No. 11. L. Vegard: Results of Investigations of The Auroral Spectrum during the Years 1921-1926.
  • No. 12. Anfinn Refsdal: Zur Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre.

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Volum X (1935)

  • No. 1. H. U. Sverdrup: Vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Berechnung der Druck- und Massenverteilung im Meere.
  • No. 2. Sverre Petterssen: Kinematical and Dynamical Properties of the Field of Pressure with Application to Weather Forecasting.
  • No. 3. Sigurd Evjen: Zur langfristigen Wettervorhersage.
  • No. 4. L. Vegard: Investigations of the Auroral Spectrum based on Observations from the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø.
  • No. 5. L. Vegard and Leiv Harang: The Auroral Spectrum in the Region of Long Waves.
  • No. 6. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Interne Wellen.
  • No. 7. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Wärmeleitung im Meere.
  • No. 8. Leiv Harang: Filteraufnahmen von Polarlicht.
  • No. 9. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Vardö.
  • No. 10. A. Röstad: Beziehung der Nordlichterscheinungen zu den weltweiten magnetischen Störungen.
  • No. 11. Alf Maurstad: Atlas of Sea Ice.
  • No. 12. Einar Barlindhaug: Results of Registrations of the Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient at the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø, during the Period March 1932 - July 1933.
  • No. 13. W. Werenskiold: Coastal Currents.
  • No. 14. Jaques van Mieghem: Thermodynamique des systèmes non-uniformes en vue des applications à la Météorologie.

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Volum XI (1934-37)

  • No. 1. L. Vegard and L. Harang: The Wavelength of the Green Auroral Line Determined by an Interferometer Method.
  • No. 2. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Continued Investigations on the Temperature of the Upper Atmosphere Determined by means of Bands Appearing in the Auroral Spectrum.
  • No. 3. Carl Störmer: Measuring of Aurorae with very Long Base Lines.
  • No. 4. J. Bjerknes: Investigations of Selected European Cyclones by means of Serial Ascents.
  • No. 5. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. I. Feeble Homogeneous Arcs of Great Altitude.
  • No. 6. Sverre Petterssen: Contribution to the Theory of Frontogenesis.
  • No. 7. H. U. Sverdrup: The Eddy Conductivity of the Air over a Smooth Snow Field. Results of the Norwegian-Swedish Spitsbergen Expedition in 1934.
  • No. 8. O. Krogness and E. Tønsberg: Auroral and Magnetic Measurements from Observations at Haldde Observatory.
  • No. 9. Th. Hesselberg: Gesetzmässigkeiten in der Windverteilung.
  • No. 10. Nils Russeltvedt: Measurement of Temperature on board Ships.
  • No. 11. Anton Jakhelln: The Water Transport of Gradient Currents.
  • No. 12. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. II. Some Arcs and Bands with Ray Structure.
  • No. 13. Anfinn Refsdal: Aerologische Diagrammpapiere.
  • No. 14. J. Egedal and J. E. Fjeldstad: Observations of Tidal Motions of the Earth's Crust made at the Geophysical Institute, Bergen.
  • No. 15. L. Vegard and Leiv Harang: Recent Results regarding the Spectral Analysis of the Auroral Luminescence.
  • No. 16. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Variations of the Intensity Distribution within the Auroral Spectrum.
  • No. 17. Leiv Harang: Änderungen der Ionisation der höchsten Atmosphärenschichten wärend der Nordlichter und erdmagnetischen Störungen.

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Volum XII (1937-40)

  • No. 1. Leiv Harang: Height Measurements of Selected Auroral Forms.
  • No. 2. J. Bjerknes and E. Palmén: Investigations of Selected European Cyclones by means of Serial Ascents. Case 4: February 15-17, 1935.
  • No. 3. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: The Temperature of the Auroral Region Determined from Band Spectra.
  • No. 4. Håkon Mosby: Svalbard Waters.
  • No. 5. L. Vegard: Vorgänge und Zustände in der Nordlichtregion.
  • No. 6. W. Werenskiold: On Equal-Area Transformations of the Indicator Diagram, and a New Aerological Chart.
  • No. 7. Carl Störmer: Some results regarding Height and Spectra of Aurorae over Southern Norway during 1936.
  • No. 8. L. Vegard: Weak Bands and Atomic Lines in the Auroral Spectrum.
  • No. 9. Sverre Petterssen: Contribution to the Theory of Convection.
  • No. 10. Sverre Petterssen: Some Aspects of Formation and Dissipation of Fog.
  • No. 11. Carl Störmer: Observations and Photographic Measurements of Mother of Pearl Clouds over Scandinavia 1930-1938. P.1.
  • No. 12. B. Rypdal and L. Vegard: The Excitation Functions of Nitrogen Bands and their Bearing on Auroral Problems.
  • No. 13. Carl Störmer: Observations and Photographic Measurements of Mother of Pearl Clouds over Scandinavia 1930-1938. P.2.
  • No. 14. L. Vegard: Continued Investigations on the Auroral Luminescence and the Upper Atmosphere.
  • No. 15. Erik Björkdal: On the Correlation between the Geopotential of the Tropopause and the Temperature of the Middle Troposphere.
  • No. 16. Georg Schou: Über den Zusammenhang des Frühlingshochwassers in Südnorwegen mit den meteorologischen Elementen.

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Volum XIII (1940-44)

  • No. 1. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Investigations on the Auroral and Twilight Luminescence Including Temperature Measurements in the Ionosphere.
  • No. 2. K. F. Wasserfall: The Horizontal Component of Magnetic Intensity at Oslo Observatory 1843-1930.
  • No. 3. Leiv Harang: Pulsations in the Terrestrial Magnetic Records at High Latitude Stations.
  • No. 4. Leiv Harang: Experimental Studies on the Reflection of Radio Waves from the Ionized Regions.
  • No. 5. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: New Important Results Relating to the Auroral Spectrum and the State of the Upper Atmosphere.
  • No. 6. Kaare Langlo Olsen: Lokale Änderungen der Struktur der Ionosphäre auf hohen Breitegraden.
  • No. 7. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. III-IX.
  • No. 8. Olaf Devik: Supercooling and Ice Formation in Open Waters. (Ice Studies I).
  • No. 9. Th. Hesselberg: Die Verwendung des Maxwellschen Verteilungsgesetzes auf meteorologische Häufigkeitskurven.
  • No. 10. Egil A. Hylleraas: On the Theory of Tidal Oscillations in Oceans with Solid Boundaries.
  • No. 11. Arnt Eliassen: On the Correction and Reduction of Barometer Readings.
  • No. 12. Einar Tønsberg and Kaare Langlo Olsen: Investigations on Atmospheric Ozone at Nordlysobservatoriet, Tromsø.
  • No. 13. Carl Störmer: Results of the Photogrammetric Measurements of the Aurora Borealis during the Norwegian-French Polar Expedition to North-East Greenland 1938-1939.
  • No. 14. Leiv Harang: A study of the Auroral Arcs and Draperies.

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Volum XIV (1936-43)

  • No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Mittel und Extreme der Lufttemperatur.
  • No. 2. Georg Schou: Mittel und Extreme des Luftdruckes in Norwegen.
  • No. 3. Erik Bjørkdal: Moyennes de la température et de l'humidité en Norvège du Sud selon les Sondages par avion à Kjeller en 1928-1937.
  • No. 4. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 1. Die Lufttemperatur.
  • No. 5. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 2. Der Niederschlag.
  • No. 6. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 3. Luftdruck und Wind.

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Volum XV (1944-56)

  • No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Mittel und Extreme der Feuchtigkeit in Norwegen.
  • No. 2. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. Die Feuchtigkeit.
  • No. 3. E. Frogner: Means and Extremes of Sea Temperature by the Norwegian Coast.
  • No. 4. B. J. Birkeland: Old Meteorological Observations at Trondheim. Atmospheric Pressure and Temperatures during 185 Years.
  • No. 5. Th. Hesselberg and B. J. Birkeland: The Continuation of the Variations of the Climate of Norway 1940-1950.

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Volum XVI (1944-46)

  • No. 1. L. Vegard: Coronal Phenomena and their Relation to Solar and Terrestrial Processes.
  • No. 2. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Results of Auroral Spectrograms Obtained at Tromsø Observatory during the Winters 1941-1942 and 1942-1943.
  • No. 3. Kaare Münster Strøm: Heat in a South Norwegian Lake. Studies on Lake Eikeren during the Years 1934 and 1935.
  • No. 4. K. F. Wasserfall: The Magnetic Declination at Oslo Observatory 1843-1930 (Daily values for 9 and 14 O'clock).
  • No. 5. Ragnar Fjørtoft: On the Frontogenesis and Cyclogenesis in the Atmosphere. P.1. On the Stability of the Stationary Circular Vortex.
  • No. 6. Leiv Harang: The Luminosity Curve of the Aurorae.
  • No. 7. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: Spectral Investigations of Aurorae and Twilight.
  • No. 8. Kaare Münster Strøm: The Temperature of Maximum Density in Fresh Waters. An Attempt to Determine its Lowering with Increased Pressure from Observations in Deep Lakes.
  • No. 9. Sigurd Evjen: Statistische Untersuchungen an Druck- und Temperaturfeldern über Süd-Skandinavien.
  • No. 10. Sverre Petterssen, E. Knighting, R. W. James and N. Herlofson: Convection in Theory and Practice.
  • No. 11. Leiv Harang: Radio Echo Observations at Tromsø during the Solar Eclipse on July 9th, 1945.
  • No. 12. Leiv Harang: The Mean Field of the Polar Earth-Magnetic Storm.

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Volum XVII (1947-51)

  • No. 1. G. Kvifte and L. Vegard: On the Emission of the Forbidden Lines from the Metastable Groundstates 1S0 and 1D2 of the Neutral Oxygen Atom.
  • No. 2. J. G. Charney: On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions.
  • No. 3. Arnt Eliassen: The Quasi-static Equations of Motion with Pressure as Independent Variable.
  • No. 4. Harald Johansen: Mean Upper Air Data Obtained from Soundings at Tromsø during the Years 1941-1944.
  • No. 5. Sigurd Evjen: Forecasting North-West Gales in the Skager Rack. (A Synoptic-Statistical Study).
  • No. 6. Ragnar Fjørtoft: Application of Integral Theorems in Deriving Criteria of Stability for Laminar Flows and for the Baroclinic Circular Vortex.
  • No. 7. L. Vegard and Hans Raastad: The Intensity Distribution within the Nitrogen Spectrum from Canal Rays and Negative Glow, with Reference to the Auroral Luminescence.
  • No. 8. K. F. Wasserfall: The Magnetic Inclination at Oslo Observatory 1871-1908. (Daily Values for 9 and 14 o'clock).
  • No. 9. Elias Grytøyr: A Method of Selecting Analogous Synoptic Situations, and the Use of Past Synoptic Situations in Forecasting for East-Norway.
  • No. 10. Einar Høiland: On Horizontal Motion in a Rotating Fluid.
  • No. 11. G. Kvifte: On the Distribution of Atmospheric Sodium.

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Volum XVIII (1951-53)

  • No. 1. P. Thrane: Some Hydrodynamical Properties of Simple Atmospheric Oscillations. With Applications to the Semidiurnal Oscillation.
  • No. 2. E. Høiland, E. Palm and E. Riis: A Calculation of the Evaporation at Different Places in South-Norway.
  • No. 3. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: An Auroral Spectrogram and the Results Derived from it.
  • No. 4. L. Vegard, E. Tønsberg and G. Kvifte: Continued Investigations on the Spectra of Aurora and Twilight and the Ionospheric Temperature.
  • No. 5. L. Vegard: Doppler Displacement of Auroral Hydrogen Lines and its Bearing on the Theory of Aurora and Magnetic Disturbances.
  • No. 6. Kaare Langlo: On the Amount of Atmospheric Ozone and its Relation to Meteorological Conditions.
  • No. 7. Carl Störmer: Results of the Observations and Photographic Measurements of Aurora in Southern Norway and from Ships in the Atlantic during the Polar Year 1932-1933.
  • No. 8. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Results from Auroral Spectrograms obtained at Tromsø during the Winter 1950/51.
  • No. 9. Einar Høiland: On Two-Dimensional Perturbation of Linear Flow.
  • No. 10. Einar Høiland: On the Dynamic Effect of Variation in Density on Two-Dimensional Perturbations of Flow with Constant Shear.

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Volum XIX (1953-57)

  • No. 1a. V. W. Ekman: Studies on Ocean Currents. Results of a cruise on board the "Armauer Hansen" in 1930 under the leadership of Bjørn Helland-Hansen. Part I. Text.
  • No. 1b. V. W. Ekman: Studies on Ocean Currents. Results of a cruise on board the "Armauer Hansen" in 1930 under the leadership of Bjørn Helland-Hansen. Part II. Tables and Plates.
  • No. 2. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: Theory and Observations of the Enhancement of Auroral Hydrogen Lines with Increasing Distance from the Magnetic Axis Point.
  • No. 3. L. Vegard, G. Kvifte, A. Omholt and S. Larsen: Studies of the Twilight Sodium Lines from Observations at Oslo and Tromsø, and Results of Auroral Spectrograms from Oslo.
  • No. 4. L. Vegard: Intensity Variations of Auroral Hydrogen Lines and the Influence of the Solar Proton Radiation on the Auroral Luminescence.
  • No. 5. Harald Johansen: Variations in the Total Amount of Ozone over Tromsø, and their Correlations with other Meteorological Elements.
  • No. 6. John Skaar: On the Measurement of Precipitation at Sea.
  • No. 7. Bjørn Landmark: A study of the Limiting Polarization of High Frequency Radio Waves Reflected Vertically from the Ionosphere.
  • No. 8. B. Landmark, F. Lied, T. Orhaug and S. Skribeland: Ionospheric Observations during the Solar Eclipse of 30th June 1954.
  • No. 9. L. Vegard: Composition, Variations and Excitation of the Auroral Luminescence Spectra.
  • No. 10. L. Harang and K. Pedersen: Drift Measurements of the E-layer.
  • No. 11. Karl Emil Eliassen: A Survey of Ground Conductivity and Dielectric Constant in Norway within Frequency Range 0.2-10 Mc/s.

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Volum XX (1957-59)

  • No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Homogenisierung der Temperaturreihe Greenwich 1763-1840.
  • No. 2. Enok Palm: On Reynolds stress, turbulent diffusion and velocity profile in a stratified fluid.
  • No. 3. Enok Palm: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional mountain waves.
  • No. 4. L. Vegard: Recent progress relating to the study of aurorae and kindred phenomena.
  • No. 5. Leiv Harang: Height distribution of the red auroral line in polar aurorae.
  • No. 6. Bernt Mæhlum: The diurnal- and sunspot-cycle variation of the layers E, F1 and F2 of the ionosphere as observed in Norway during the period 1932-1956.
  • No. 7. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Ocean current as an initial problem.
  • No. 8. Olav Holt and Bjørn Landmark: Some statistical properties of the signal fine structure in ionospheric scatter propagation.
  • No. 9. L. Vegard, S. Berger and A. Nundal: Results of auroral observations at Tromsø and Oslo from winters 1953-1954 to 1956-1957.
  • No. 10. Eigil Hesstvedt: Mother of pearl clouds in Norway.
  • No. 11. A. Omholt: Studies on excitations of aurora borealis. I. The hydrogen lines.
  • No. 12. G. Kvifte: Nightflow observations at Ås during I.G.Y.
  • No. 13. O. H. Sælen: Studies in the Norwegian Atlantic current. I. The Sognefjord section.

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Volum XXI (1959-60)

  • No. 1. A. Omholt: Studies on the excitation of aurora borealis II. The forbidden oxygen lines.
  • No. 2. Tor Hagfors: Investigation of the scattering of radio waves at metric wavelengths in the lower ionosphere.
  • No. 3. Håkon Mosby: Deep water in the Norwegian Sea.
  • No. 4. Søren H. H. Larsen: On the scattering of ultraviolet solar radiation in the atmosphere with the ozone absorption considered.
  • No. 5. Søren H. H. Larsen: Measurements of atmospheric ozone at Spitsbergen (78oN) and Tromsø (70oN) during the winter season.
  • No. 6. Enok Palm and Arne Foldvik: Contribution to the theory of two-dimensional mountain waves.
  • No. 7. Kaare Pedersen and Marius Todsen: Some measurements of the micro-structure of fog and stratus-clouds in the Oslo area.
  • No. 8. Kaare Pedersen: An experiment in numerical prediction of the 500 mb wind field.
  • No. 9. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the physics of mother of pearl clouds.

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Volum XXII (1960-62)

  • No. 1. L. Harang and K. Malmjord: Drift measurements of the E-layer at Kjeller and Tromsø during the international geophysical year 1957-58.
  • No. 2. Leiv Harang and Anders Omholt: Luminosity curves of high aurorae.
  • No. 3. Arnt Eliassen and Enok Palm: On the transfer of energy in stationary mountain waves.
  • No. 4. Yngvar Gotaas: Mother of pearl clouds over Southern Norway, February 21, 1959.
  • No. 5. H. Økland: An experiment in numerical integration of the barotropic equation by a quasi-Lagrangian method.
  • No. 6. L. Vegard: Auroral investigations during the winter seasons 1957/58-1959/60 and their bearing on solar terrestrial relationships.
  • No. 7. Gunnvald Bøyum: A study of evaporation and heat exchange between the sea surface and the atmosphere.

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Volum XXIII (1962-63)

  • No. 1. Bernt Mæhlum: The sporadic E auroral zone.
  • No. 2. Bernt Mæhlum: Small scale structure and drift in the sporadic E layer as observed in the auroral zone.
  • No. 3. L. Harang and K. Malmjord: Determination of drift movements of the ionosphere at high latitudes from radio star scintillations.
  • No. 4. Eyvind Riis: The stability of Couette-flow in non-stratified and stratified viscous fluids.
  • No. 5. E. Frogner: Temperature changes on a large scale in the arctic winter stratosphere and their probable effects on the tropospheric circulation.
  • No. 6. Odd H. Sælen: Studies in the Norwegian Atlantic Current. Part II: Investigation during the years 1954-59 in an area west of Stad.

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Volum XXIV (1962)

In memory of Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951) on the 100th anniversary of his birth

  • Forside og innholdsregister
  • Tor Bergeron, Olaf Devik, Carl Ludvig Godske: Vilhelm Bjerknes, March 14, 1862 - April 19, 1951
  • Publications by Vilhelm Bjerknes
  • No. 1. Th. Hesselberg: Climatological deviation maps
  • No. 2. Jørgen Holmboe: On the behavior of symmetric waves in Stratified shear layers
  • No. 3. J. Bjerknes: Synoptic survey of the interaction of sea and atmosphere in the North Atlantic
  • No. 4. Arnt Eliassen: On the vertical circulation in frontal zones
  • No. 5. C. L. Godske: Contribution to statistical meteorology
  • No. 6. Einar Høiland: Discussion of a hyperbolic equation relating to inertia and gravitational fluid oscillations
  • No. 7. Ragnar Fjørtoft: A numerical method of solving certain partial differential equations of second order
  • No. 8. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: A circulation theorem for stationary wind currents
  • No. 9. Sverre Petterssen, Dorothy L. Bradbury and Kaare Pedersen: The Norwegian cyclone models in relation to heat and cold sources
  • No. 10. J. Holtsmark: Die kontinuierliche und die stochastische Beschreibung der Natur
  • No. 11. Håkon Mosby: Water, salt and heat balance of the North Polar Sea and of the Norwegian Sea

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Volum XXV (1963-65)

  • No. 1. Kaare Pedersen: On quantitative precipitation forecasting with a quasi-geostrophic model.
  • No. 2. Peter Thrane: Perturbations in a baroclinic model atmosphere.
  • No. 3. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the water vapour content in the high atmosphere.
  • No. 4. Torbjørn Ellingsen: On periodic motions of an ideal fluid with an elastic boundary.
  • No. 5a. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Internal waves of tidal origin. Part I. Theory and analysis of observations.
  • No. 5b. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Internal waves of tidal origin. Part II. Tables.
  • No. 6. A. Eftestøl and O. Omholt: Studies on excitation of N2 and N+2 bands in aurora.

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Volum XXVI (1965-67)

  • No. 1. Eigil Hesstvedt: Some characteristics of the oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere.
  • No. 2. William Blumen: A random model of momentum flux by mountain waves.
  • No. 3. K. M. Storetvedt: Remanent magnetization of some dolerite intrusions in the Egersund Area, Southern Norway.
  • No. 4. Martin Mork: The generation of surface waves by wind and their propagation from a storm area.
  • No. 5. Jack Nordø: The Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere.
  • No. 6. A. Egeland and A. Omholt: Carl Störmer's height measurements of aurora. A statistical study.
  • No. 7. Gunnvald Bøyum: The energy exchange between sea and atmosphere at Ocean Weather Stations M, I and A.
  • No. 8. Torbjørn Ellingsen and Enok Palm: The energy transfer from submarine seismic waves to the ocean.
  • No. 9. Torkild Carstens: Experiments with supercooling and ice formation in flowing water. Tillegg.
  • No. 10. Jørgen Holmboe: On the instability of stratified shear flow.
  • No. 11. Lawrence H. Larsen: Flow over obstacles of finite amplitude.
  • No. 12. Jack Nordø and Kjartan Hjortnæs: Statistical studies of precipitation on local, national and continental scales.

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Volum XXVII (1967-69)

  • No. 1. Arne Grammeltvedt: On the nonlinear computational instability of the equations of one-dimensional flow.
  • No. 2. Jørgen Holmboe: Instability of baroclinic three-layer models of the atmosphere.
  • No. 3. Einar Høiland and Eyvind Riis: On the Stability of Shear Flow of a Stratified Fluid.
  • No. 4. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the effect of vertical eddy transport on atmospheric composition in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
  • No. 5. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the photochemistry of ozone in the ozone layer.
  • No. 6. Arnt Eliassen: On Meso-Scale Mountain Waves on the Rotating Earth.
  • No. 7. Kaare Pedersen and Knut Erik Grønskei: A method of initialization for dynamical weather forecasting, and a balanced model.

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Volum XXVIII (1970-72)

  • No. 1. Håkon Mosby: Atlantic water in the Norwegian sea.
  • No. 2. Kaare Pedersen: Balanced Systems of Equations for the Atmospheric Motion. A Numerical Experiment and an Analytical Discussion.
  • No. 3. Arnt Eliassen and Jan-Edgar Rekustad: A Numerical Study of Meso-Scale Mountain Waves.
  • No. 4. Per B. Storebø: Steady State Aerosols.
  • No. 5. Thomas A. McClimans: An Approximate Theory for the Structure of Strong Pycnoclins.
  • No. 6. Aksel Wiin-Nielsen: Simulations of the Annual Variation of the Zonally Averaged State of the Atmosphere.

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Volum XXIX (1972)

A Collection of Articles on Cosmic Geophysics Dedicated to the Memory of Professor L. Harang on the Seventieth Anniversary of his birth, 19 April 1972

  • No. 1. F. Lied: Professor, Dr. Philos, Leiv Marius Harang.
  • No. 2. J. A. Ratcliffe: The formation of the ionosphere; Ideas of the early years (1925-1955).
  • No. 3. B. Hultqvist: Auroral particles.
  • No. 4. Ya. I. Feldstein: Aurora.
  • No. 5. S.-I. Akasofu: Midday auroras and polar cap auroras.
  • No. 6. K. Lassen: On the classification of high-latitude auroras.
  • No. 7. J. P. Heppner: The Harang discontinuity in auroral belt ionospheric currents.
  • No. 8. B. H. Briggs: Recent work on ionospheric irregularities and drifts.
  • No. 9. A. G. McNamara: The occurrence of radio aurora at high latitudes; The IGY period 1957-59.
  • No. 10. W. Stoffregen: Electron-density increase in the E layer below an artificial barium cloud.
  • No. 11. R. E. Barrington: The generation and propagation of VLF emissions.
  • Publications by Leiv Harang.

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Volum XXX (1973)

  • No. 1. Jon Helge Knudsen: Approximate Analytical Solutions to the Non-Divergent Barotropic Vorticity Equation in Spectral Form.
  • No. 2. Ivar S. A. Isaksen: Diurnal variation of atmospheric constituents in an oxygen-hydrogen-nitrogen-carbon atmospheric model, and the role of minor neutral constituents in the chemistry of the lower ionosphere.
  • No. 3. Jon Helge Knudsen: Prediction of Second-Moment Properties in Spectral Form for Non-Divergent Barotropic Flow.
  • No. 4. J. A. Holtet: Electric field microstructures in the auroral E-region.
  • No. 5.
    • Gisle Bjøntegaard: Review of the use of man-made VLF radio waves in lower ionospheric research.
    • Gisle Bjøntegaard: Huygen's principle used on VLF field calculations on distances less than 1500 km.
    • Gisle Bjøntegaard: Determination of D-region electron loss rates from VLF measurements during SID events.

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Volum XXXI (1974-77)

  • No. 1. Eigil Hesstvedt, Svein-Erik Henriksen and Hreinn Hjartarson: On the development of an aerobic atmosphere. A model experiment.
  • No. 2. Eigil Hesstvedt: Formation of oxidants and other secondary pollutants in air mixed with nitrogen oxides and ethylene.
  • No. 3. Ingolf Kanestrøm: CO2: Greenhouse or atmospheric effect.
  • No. 4. Ivar S. A. Isaksen and Paul J. Crutzen: Uncertainties in calculated hydroxyl radical densities in the troposphere and stratosphere.
  • No. 5. Ivar S. A. Isaksen, Knut Helge Midtbø, Jens Sunde and Paul J. Crutzen: A simplified method to include molecular scattering and reflection in calculations of photon fluxes and photodissociation rates.
  • No. 6. Eigil Hesstvedt, Øystein Hov and Ivar S. A. Isaksen: Photochemistry of mixtures of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in air.
  • No. 7. Arnt Eliassen and Magne Lystad: The Ekman layer of a circular vortex. A numerical and theoretical study.

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Volum XXXII (1980-84)

  • No. 1.
    • Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Comparison of annual variations observed in the earth's magnetic field at Tromsø, Ny-Ålesund, and Bjørnøya.
    • K. Henriksen and M. Kristensen: Optical auroral research expedition to Ny-Aalesund, Svalbard.
  • No. 2.
    • A. Moene: On the latitudinal oscillations of the northeast Atlantic annual mean polar frontal zone.
    • Sverre Albrigtsen, Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Influence of the interplanetary magnetic field on the earth's magnetic field observed at Ny-Ålesund.
    • Christos I. Haldoupis: Spectral analysis techniques of geophysical data: On the performance of periodogram and maximum entropy method.
  • No. 3. R. Fjørtoft: A study of the wave climate in the Norwegian Sea. Algorithms in Markov models for deriving probabilities of certain events.
  • No. 4. P. E. Sandholt: Auroral oval dynamics in relation to solar wind-magnetosphere interaction.
  • No. 5.
    • J. A. Johannessen and H. G. Gade: A case study of the variations in the upper ocean at Ocean Weather Ship Mike (66oN,2oE) in the Norwegian Sea.
    • R. Fjørtoft, D. Bjørge and K. A. Iden: Probability models in precipitation climate studies.

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Volum XXXIII (1985)

  • No. 1.
    • I. Kanestrøm, K. Pedersen and H. Skåtun: Major stationary ridges and troughs at 500 mb.
    • K. Stamnes: A unified theory of interhemispheric electron transport and energy degradation.

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